Thursday, February 19, 2009

Birth Day

The twins birthday started with contractions. I wasn't really feeling them, but I was feeling something different. This is the 2nd time I was having consistent contractions. The first time was earlier in the week and we were able to stop them. This time the contractions were spaced closer together. The doctor thought to check my cervix and see if the contractions were "productive." As it turns out, it was. I was 4cm dilated and completely effaced! Mind you these were contractions I wasn't feeling, but I was officially in labor.

Being that far along required immediate intervention to slow/stop the contractions so that I did not go into full fledged active labor. The potential for cord compression and complications increased if I went into active labor.

The nurses and doctor's began to prepare for the c-section. Remember all that anxiety I had about having a c-section? It was GONE...completely gone. Things went very smoothly. My favorite nurses were there in attendance and things weren't emergent, but were relaxed and steadily flowing.

The twins were born within the same minute (7:30pm), 20 seconds apart. They weighed the exact same grams, translating into 4 1/2 lbs and were 1 inch apart at 18 & 19 inches.

Being born at 33 weeks they are in the NICU. They are doing well, but it is definitely a roller coaster. I'm recovering, but it is hard. I've never had major surgery so this is a whole new experience for me and of course not being able to have them with me is very hard.

All and all, things could not have gone better. My body had enough and I went into labor. If I were not in the hospital I would have never known and things could have gotten much more complicated. Having had my contractions monitored we were able to do things in a controlled manor on my boy's and my body's time table, not an arbitrary date. There were no deccels, no babies in distress, but instead a very smooth process.

My nurses and the doctor's were phenomenal and I am so happy to have my babies here.


Carolyn said...

I really am so relieved that everything went smoothly. Not the 36 weeks you were hoping for, it's true, but good to see them come in their own time.

Away2me (Deanna) said...

Congratulations on your healthy Momo babies!