Monday, October 20, 2008

Initial Stages of Planning - 15 weeks

It's very early to set anything in stone, but our initial plan is home monitoring to begin between 24 - 26 weeks.  In addition to home monitoring I will go in several times a week for ultrasounds.  My peri is agreeable for me to continue home monitoring to 30 weeks if the babies look great.  At that point I would be admitted into the hospital for 24/7 inpatient monitoring.  

During our initial planning we did not discuss delivery.  Delivery for mom twins is typically between 32-34 weeks.  I would love to aim for more towards 35 weeks, but there is not guarantee that I will make it that far.  The bigger the babies get the more danger they are face in compressing their cords so that's typically the reason for 32-234 weeks delivery. 

Here are the twins at 15 weeks facing each other.  TOO CUTE!


Tracy said...

What an amazing video of your little ones!! I saw your blog on the momo website & decided to take a peek. My momo girls are a little over 18months - so it is always crazy to look back.
blessings -

Tina BS said...


Thank you. It is moms like you and your girls that keep me going :).