Saturday, March 21, 2009

One at home, one in the NICU

It really is a blessing to have twin A home.  We are all transitioning well.  His older brother is thrilled to have him here.  The difficulty, having twin B still in the NICU.  It is no longer the emotional toll, but it is also starting to take a physical toll on me.  Before when they were both together I could spend all afternoon at the NICU.  Because I do have a 3 year old at home, spending all day never worked.  Now I'm lucky if I get to be there for one feeding.  Don't get me wrong.  I am THRILLED to have A home, but maintaing the balance is not easy.  Hopefully we are in for only more week.  Twin B is on the finally week of medication treatment for his infection.  He will have a test midweek to ensure that everything looks good. Assuming that comes back good we will be able to take him home next weekend.  Keep those finger crossed for us.

1 comment:

Bill said...

I hope you will have both babies with you at home soon. I delivered mo mo girls at 33 and 3 on January 8. We brought them home from the hospital on February 7. Now that a few months have passed, my 2 plus months in the hospital and the girls' 30 days seem so distant. Everyday is another beautiful experience.